Article voiceover
Over at
, , , and I were talking about long-form jokes or stories with really corny or disappointing punch lines. The Pink Story was my first introduction to the genre, and I am pleased to share it with you today. I hope that I’ll also be able to record and share The Floating Coffin, but for today, my mediocre-at-best storytelling-to-an-empty-room-while-the-baby-sleeps skills are spent.
I can't. I can't even. My ability to even no longer exists. It is deceased. It has joined the choir invisible. It is an ex-even. As it were.
Also, I can verify that lawyers often do go to sleep and Dream of Victory. At least I did when I actually had cases; I'm a conflicts attorney now so I just check conflicts on other people's work, but still. #DreamingofVictory
>His eyes were pink.
Albinism *nods wisely**
I'm still listening, but I just wanted to say that you have such a pretty voice to listen to.
IT'S TOTALLY PINK. I'm loving this.